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Public Figures

Page history last edited by Steve Escher 15 years, 5 months ago


Many key players have emerged from the aftermath of the 35W Bridge collapse. This page includes relevant information on where the key players biggest focuses lie within the grand scheme of rebuilding the 35W Bridge.  For more information, check out the Environmental and Political Repercussions pages.



Tim Pawlenty

Tim Pawlenty is a native born Minnesotan raised in St. Paul, who now resides with his wife and two daughters in Eden Prarie, MN.  He was elected governor on January 6, 2002 and is still the current governor. He ran a platform idea that balanced the budget without raising taxes.  He did this by reducing the rate for funding for state services.  This worked out well when he won the election, but since the 35W Bridge collapse, Pawlenty has changed his mind about keeping the states services rate for funding low. [1]


Recently, he has reversed his decision and will now support a gas tax increase as a part of an increased transportation funding package.  However, raising gas taxes alone will not take care of transportation needed from the 35W Bridge collapse.  During his term, the carpool lanes on I-394 going into downtown Minneapolis were converted into high-occupency toll lanes. While earlier he did not support the expansion of the light rail, he has changed his mind because of polls supporting it. [1][2]



Governor Tim Pawlenty Taken By Marcn (Flickr profile:  Marcn)



R.T. Rybak

R.T. Rybak is a native to Minneapolis where he grew up and anticipated being mayor. He eventually was elected mayor in 2001 and currently still holds his title. Presently, he resides with his wife, son, and daughter in the East Harriet neighborhood of Minneapolis. His efforts target North Minneapolis in the hopes of funding more housing projects, attacking juvenile crime, making Minneapolis a wireless city, ending homelessness, and reducing the city's energy consumption. [3]


Earlier this month, Minneapolis was ranked the 11th greenest city in the United States. Mayor Rybak strongly urged for transportation alternatives such as a light rail extension to help lighten the gas emissions released from automobiles.  He proudly mentioned in an interview that 165,000 of the people that work down town, get to work by alternate modes of transportation, other than by car.  [4]




Mayor R.T. Rybak Taken By Mordac (Flickr profile:  Mordac)


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