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Web 2 Technology and Citizen Journalism
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by Steve Escher 15 years, 5 months ago
Web 2.0 Technology and Citizen Journalism
Citizen journalism isn't a 21st century fad driven by digital cameras and streaming technology; modern technology isn't necessary for citizen journalism. Try Thomas Paine, who printed Common Sense, an anonymous pamphlet railing against the British government, published in the 18th century. Try the famous Zapruder film, depicting the assasination of JFK in 1963. Essentially, any outlet can serve citizen journalism, as the definition isn't hindered by specific media. Here is a list of popular tools used in citizen journalism:
Types of Technology
- Personal and Group Blogs: Since all professional news outlets are online, blogs are the ideal competitive choice for citizen journalists. Unlike the pamphlets and telegraphs of a few centuries ago, blogs can be updated instantly from the scene of a news event. Personal blogs have an advantage over professional news as they aren't necessarily constrained by uniform formatting or editorial approval. Pre-fab blogging software such as Blogger, Wordpress and Movable Type make the updating process faster. Community blogs such as Metafilter and MnSpeak allow large groups of people to report on a news event.
- Digital Cameras, WebCams and Camcorders: Technology such as Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo and many others allows video and photos to be uploaded quickly. Blogging software, like Tumblr, now makes uploading videos. Cameras and camcorders can be purchased cheaply, which opens citizen journalism open to a wider audience. Streaming video also allows citizen journalists to broadcast live from a news event. Using this technology, podcasts,a collection of digital media files distrubted over the internet give citizen journalists the freedom to put together longer, more thoughful news pieces, in the same vein as 60 Minutes or Dateline.
- Cellphones/SMS: Cellphones can take photos and videos, and quickly connect to the internet. This allows a citizen journalist to document a story if s/he doesn't have access to fancier equipment. This often allows citizen journalists access to situations from which major news corporations might be barred. SMS text messaging lets journalists connect to sources, and each other.
- Social Networks/Web Applications: Social networks and web applications such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter allow citizen journalists to quickly update a large group of contacts. When there isn't enough time to put together a cohesive news story, networks and applications allow for short spurts of quick information.
The Function of Web 2.0 in Citizen Journalism, As Seen in the 35W Bridge Collapse
Links to Examples of Web 2.0 Technology Used During the 35W Bridge Collapse
This is not a comprehensive list, but rather a specialized list of the most accessed local resources regarding the bridge collapse.
- Photo and video: Noah Kunin's Flickr photos (as posted by Aaron Landry, as Noah was still on the scene), First video released of bridge collapse,
- Blogs: Mnspeak Thread: Noah Kunin, Metafilter, Minnesota Stories , Wired.com’s collection of citizen journalism links, Jason DeRusha (not a citizen journalist, but uses the same technology and incorporates true citizen journalism into his reports), Aaron Landry reports on Kunin’s interview with the Strib, Survivor Mercedes Gorden’s blog
- Institutional media: Star Tribune’s initial report, MPR’s coverage of the collapse
- Victim advocacy sites: http://www.35wbridge.com/
- wikis: E-Democracy
- podcasting: Podcast of 35w Memorial
- social networking sites: Fox's collection of Facebook 35W groups
Web 2 Technology and Citizen Journalism
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